Many of us have perceived Google simply as a search engine or a stop-point to extract information. While this was the primary motto for Sergey Brin and Larry Page, they went on to inflate Google into much more. Today Google has not only simplified life but has become another name for life. We have everything on Google today, be it information or getting in touch with someone.

With that been said, the company didn’t become a giant overnight. It had seen its share of failures as well as highs and came up as it is today, before us. Here are some inside mind blowing facts about Google that you didn’t know before.

  • Back in 1997, the initial prototype name for Google was “BackRub”, which was later changed to Google.

  • Further, Google’s name was misspelled for the word “googol”. It’s a mathematics term, meaning 100 zeroes after 1. ‘

  • Initially, the company was started on a rented garage, which belonged to a friend of Brin and Page.

  • Google has ‘Google Employee Number’ for each employee. Google Employees nos. 1 and 2 are given to Page and Brin.

  • One of the early versions of Google could process 30-50 pages per second, which has been improvised now. It now processes millions of pages per second.

  • There are around 2 million Google searches per second.

  • Google offers various perks to its employees including free lunch, breakfast, dinner, haircuts, state-of-the-art gym, and the nap pod (which is the greatest workplace invention ever for employees to take naps).

  • However, not all perks are free at Google. Some of the chargeable perks include full-body massages and dry cleaning.

  • Google has not just been what it is today, it has also been the mother of many great portals we have today. Some of its former employees such as Gideon Yu, Marissa Mayer and Megan Smith have went on and contributed in other great works like Facebook, Yahoo and U.S. Government’ nation chief Technology Officer.

  • Google has acquired more than 200 technology businesses including YouTube, Waze (a GPS navigation app), and GrandCentral, the VoIP platform that now exists as Google Voice.

  • While there have been commendable works by Google, it also had certain failures such as Knol (an attempt to compete with Wikipedia), Google Wave, Google Buzz and Orkut (which gained popularity in India and Brazil, but eventually died out).

  • Google has developed some super amazing technologies including self-driving car and Google Glass.

  • The company works with a clear motto “don’t be evil”. Larry Page says, “We have a mantra: don’t be evil, which is to do the best things we know how for our users, for our customers, for everyone. So I think if we were known for that, it would be a wonderful thing.”

  • When in the count of Google’s mind blowing works, we can’t miss out on Google’s MentalPlex. Every year on 1st April, you can login to this webpage and Google will tell you what’s in your mind.

  • Google has several keywords and their search results are absolute fun. Some of these include, type askew and search. This would make the content slightly tilted.

  • Google intends to scan all known existing 129 million unique books before 2020.

  • The company has a pet T-rex with the name Stan at its headquarters in California. It there to remind employees to not let Google go extinct.

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  • The company doesn’t ask lawn mowers to mow its lawn, rather, rents goats for mowing their lawn in California.

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  • The first tweet by Google was I’m 01100110 01100101 01100101 01101100 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01101100 01110101 01100011 01101011 01111001 00001010″, which meant ‘I’m Feeling Lucky’ in Binary.
  • It had its first Google Doodle in August 1998 when Larry Page and Sergey Brin were heading to Burning Man in the Nevada desert, and wanted people to know where the Google crew would be for a few days, so they added the festival’s logo. It had a man behind the its ‘O’.

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Our very own Google has been given a lot to all of us. It’s certainly one invention that will stay with and help everyone grow further!

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