Top 10 Best Money Making Books To Read in 2023

Money-making is an art that depends on various factors. But unfortunately, a substantial percentage of the population still does not know the novel ways of earning money, managing finances and becoming rich. Furthermore, many business ideas fail every day, but a few also make it big in the modern business and financial world. Here is a list of the best money making books to get started –

  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change ( Get this book )How To Win Friends And Influence People ( Get this book )The Richest Man In Babylon ( Get this book )Rich Dad Poor Dad – Robert Kiyosaki ( Get this book )The Automatic Millionaire, Expanded and Updated: A Powerful One-Step Plan to Live and Finish Rich ( Get this book )A Random Walk Down Wall Street – The Time–Tested Strategy for Successful Investing – Burton G. Malkiel ( Get this book )The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere, And Join the New Rich Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence ( Get this book )12 Months to $1 Million: How to Pick a Winning Product, Build a Real Business, and Become a Seven-Figure Entrepreneur ( Get this book )The Greatest Salesman In The World ( Get this book )

Let us go through each book’s review and some important lessons to remember –

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#1 – The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

The book was released in 1989, but most highly successful people still suggest it as their personal favorites.

Book Review

The author highlights the seven habits as being proactive, beginning with the end in mind, putting first things first, thinking win-win, seeking first to understand, then to be understood, synergizing, and sharpening the saw. He explains the nature of each habit and how these help people win secretly and get close to their life goals.

Key Takeaways

  • The author talks about the seven most important habits of successful people.His most famous quote is – the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing.The author points out that it is very important to learn to say no.The book also stresses the idea of listening and not responding.

#2 – How To Win Friends And Influence People

The book is classic self-help and human behavioral science book. The book was first published in 1936.

The book is a masterpiece, with more than 15 million copies sold. The author states that smiling can be a great impression and interest people’s favorite topics. This way, people tend to open up with you and share their mindset, goals, and secrets. The book is primarily set to teach its readers how to become likable, win others in conversations, and look and be confident about their personalities.

  • One of the best lessons is that – You do not have to talk to be interesting to be good.The author encourages people to be clear, share common goals, and try saying ‘yes’ a lot.For people who struggle to go out and second guess their personalities, this book will help them make friends.The author says that people should ask many small questions while having a conversation.

#3 – The Richest Man In Babylon

This book came in 1926, and from then, it has been considered one of the best finance classic books to understand the rich mindset and grow wealthWealthWealth refers to the overall value of assets, including tangible, intangible, and financial, accumulated by an individual, business, organization, or more.

The author asks people to live below their means avoid taking any form of debt. The book motivates people to learn the art of lending instead of becoming borrowers. It talks about the Babylonians and their basic principles behind wealth, like saving a small part of your income now and then. This one habit is still asked and supported by many people even today.

  • The book is a pure finance classic and comprises many stories to understand the crux idea of wealth.It contains examples of many famous people from around the world.The book sheds light on how people should keep investing their money.One of the crucial lessons is to keep aside 10% of the total income.

#4 – Rich Dad Poor Dad

Robert Kiyosaki has greatly influenced people who think rich people are different and has provided many perspectives on how a poor mindset makes people remain poor all their lives.

This book holds a special place in the heart of the readers. Many people have always had a hard time realizing the shift between a rich mindset and a poor mindset. Robert has been a great believer in real estate investingReal Estate InvestingReal estate investing uses real estate properties as an investment vehicle and gains profit through a variety of methods. It can be as simple as owning real estate, collecting cash flow in rental income, and selling the asset for a higher price due to appreciation. read more and making amends, and saving people from paying heavy taxes to the government. The author condemns the basic pattern that society teaches us to go to school, educate, and get a job kind of lifestyle.

  • The most important lesson the author gives is to pay yourself first.He explains the clear confusion people make between assets and liabilities.The book deals with the subject of fear and greed.It encourages people to educate themselves financially.

#5 – The Automatic Millionaire

A Powerful One-Step Plan To Live And Finish Rich

The book was originally published in 2003, and the author has provided practical advice about creating wealth when people think they are done with working and want to enjoy their lives.

The author has written more than 10 books till now, and nine of them have been listed among New York’s Bestseller list. David suggests that saving a little every day can take the form of big. He also points out that many rich people have one thing in common they were introduced to investing from a young age.

  • The author wants people to learn the importance of automatic savings and payments.He combined many examples from his other books to give lessons on creating wealth and getting rich.He greatly admires the lesson of author Robert Kiyosaki of paying yourself first.

#6 – A Random Walk Down Wall Street

The Time–Tested Strategy For Successful Investing

The book was first published in 1996 but is a timeless compilation of knowledge on stock marketsStock MarketsStock Market works on the basic principle of matching supply and demand through an auction process where investors are willing to pay a certain amount for an asset, and they are willing to sell off something they have at a specific more and investing stories and decisions.

In this book, the author talks about investing in index fundsIndex FundsIndex Funds are passive funds that pool investments into selected more and provides a brief idea of where one should put their money. Many online money-making books are available on the same subject, but this book has its reputation for testing the most usable strategies. As a result, many people consider this book the first purchase before starting a portfolio. The author shares his core insights about owning a house, stocks, and bondsBondsBonds refer to the debt instruments issued by governments or corporations to acquire investors’ funds for a certain more.

  • The author, with his experience, has made this book one of the best money making books of all time.He talks about different assets that can be invested in for the long term.The book offers insights into tangible assets like gold and collectibles.It also holds financial calculations and representations.

#7 – The 4-Hour Work Week

Escape The 9-5, Live Anywhere, And Join The New Rich

The book came out in the year 2007, and the author has put forward the whole idea of the book as a financial exercise for their readers to do four hours a week to become a richer version of themselves.

The author has devised four steps in the book and briefly explained each concept to help people escape their 9 to 5 work life. For example, the book states that many people follow the rat race, which they do not know but become a part of. One of the key reasons this book lands among the top money making books is to have enough “how-to” tips and steps to make people realize their worth and what is wrong.

  • The book talks about the four steps of financial exercise: definition, elimination, automation, and liberation.The biggest takeaway from the book is that by learning to think for oneself and break free from widely-accepted rules, people can create new options and live an extraordinary life.The author talks about saving money and covers all aspects of life.

#8 – Your Money Or Your Life

9 Steps To Transforming Your Relationship With Money And Achieving Financial Independence

The book was published in 1992 and provides nine steps to achieve financial independence. As a result, the book ranks itself in the best money making books.

The book has helped many of its readers transform their relationship with money. It encompasses many factors related to a money-making concept like expensesExpensesAn expense is a cost incurred in completing any transaction by an organization, leading to either revenue generation creation of the asset, change in liability, or raising more, income, debts, and savings. In addition, authors encourage their readers to understand how simple steps can make the most of their relationship with money healthy and effective, and enlightening. The book provides a blueprint of financial stability and gives a new perspective on life.

  • The book explains the presence of money, its need, and scalability in every aspect of life and the issues that come with it.It deals with an individual’s relationship with their sources of income and how they should manage it.The book exploits the ideology of financial integrity, financial intelligence, and financial independence.

#9 – 12 Months To $1 Million

How To Pick A Winning Product, Build A Real Business, And Become A Seven-Figure Entrepreneur

The book, released in 2020, has some new age ideas about the modern world of business and what new people should do here.

The book highlights how important it is to become a business owner and get out of an employee’s 9 to 5 work cycle. It inspires people to become owners rather than employees, and the author suggests that this is the only way an individual can become rich. The crux here is that one has to become an owner to enjoy some freedom in their life.

  • The book has a 10 step roadmap to making $1 million.Many people debated that such types of online money making books are already available in the market, but this book has its reputation and popularity among readers.The author is the founder of Capitalism.Com and the host of the “One Percent” podcast.

#10 – The Greatest Salesman In The World

It is primarily a self-help book, but its lessons make it one of the best money-making books of all time. It came out in the year 1968. The book has impacted many lives and praised good actors like Matthew McConaughey.

The book has a lead character of a poor camel boy and his life struggles. The author gave 10 important principles that outline a good life. He also marked the importance of asking for God’s guidance, mastering emotions, and other benefits. Over time this book has gained its value in the eyes of the readers. It also discusses the philosophy of success and salesmanship.

  • The author narrates the story of a poor camel boy trying hard to raise his standard of living.He talks about the power of habit.New readers should try reading this book among other online money making books.

This has been a guide to the Best Money Making Books. Here we briefly discuss the top 10 books, along with a review and why to read them. You may also have a look at these suggested books below –

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