Mortgagee vs Mortgagor Differences

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Mortgagee vs Mortgagor Infographics

Mortgagee vs Mortgagor Key Differences

Here, are the key differences between mortgagee and mortgagor: –

  • Mortgagee and mortgagor are related to the term ‘mortgage.’ A mortgage implies ‘collateral’ or a ‘real estate asset’ pledged to get a ‘secured loan Secured LoanSecured loans refer to the type of loans approved and received against a guarantee or collateral. If they fail to do so, the lending institution acquires the collateral to compensate for the amount that the borrowers were more’. The term ‘mortgagor’ means to the lender or institution engaged in the business of granting secured loans against borrowers’ property (acts as a guarantee) instead of specified interest over a fixed tenure. On the other hand, ‘mortgagee’ implies the borrower (both individual and an institution) who requires a secured loan and pledges their property to the mortgagor till the loan is fully paid along with a fixed interest within a pre-decided time frame.Mortgagee refers to the ‘giver’ or ‘lender’ in a loan deal. In comparison, the receiver is termed as a mortgagorMortgagorA mortgagor is an entity that borrows money from a lender or financial institution to purchase real estate. Functionally, they are the same as the borrowers or debtors who are obliged to repay the mortgagee or more.The principal amount is divided into fixed equal installments (as agreed by the ‘mortgagee’ and ‘mortgagor’) along with interest. The mortgagor repays the loan amount in equal installments, and the mortgagee becomes the receiver.Before the agreement, the mortgagor has the right to know about the interest costs, settlement charges, tenure, etc. But, on the other hand, the mortgagee has to disclose all the facts to the mortgagor, and he is answerable to all the queries.The mortgagor must present proper documentation of ownership of the assets before the ‘agreement.’ The right of the collateral changes from mortgager to mortgagee till the loan amount along with interest is fully paid.The mortgagee pays the entire loan amount to the mortgagor. On the other hand, the mortgagor pledges his collateral to the mortgagee till the loan is fully paid, including the interest amount.The mortgagee can sell the collateral if the mortgagee fails to repay the installments. At the same time, the mortgagor has to abide by the guidelines framed by the mortgagee.The collateral amount is generally higher than the loan amount. Thus, the mortgagee holds a higher amount of assets in currency terms. In contrast, the mortgagee has the principal loan amount, which is lower than the collateral.

Mortgagee vs Mortgagor – Head-to-Head Differences

Here are the main differences between mortgagee and mortgagor: –

Mortgagee vs Mortgagor – Conclusion

Mortgagee and mortgagor are an integral part of the loan business, which includes transferring funds to the required person/institution, pledging assets (cost of pledge assets is more than the loan amount) to the lender the receiver, expenses like settlement costs, interest costs, etc. First, the agreement is fixed within a certain period that both mortgagee and mortgagor agree. Then, the entire loan amount is paid within a set number of installments, and the mortgagee charges a certain amount of interest. The interest calculated can be of two types: a fixed interest rateFixed Interest RateA fixed interest rate is a constant rate of interest levied on debts like loans, mortgages, or more and a variable interest rateVariable Interest RateVariable interest rate refers to a mortgage or loan interest rate that fluctuates with the market conditions. The interest levied on variable loans depends on the reference or benchmark rate—an index. read more.

  • Meaning

  • Calculations

  • Agreement

  • Ownership

  • Documentation

  • Payment terms

  • Defaults

If the mortgagor fails to repay the loan within the pre-decided time frame, the mortgagee can charge a penalty or bid his assets for sale to recover the due amount. Now the question may arise whether it is justified to bid on the assets? One school of thought believes that as the mortgagee lends the entire amount in advance and takes the risk of the mortgagor, recovering the due amount in case of defaults makes sense. As the mortgagee is engaged in a business and the law of business states, a company cannot bear losses by providing some undue advantage to the mortgagor.

This article is a guide to Mortgagee vs Mortgagor. We discuss the mortgagee and mortgagor differences, examples, infographics, and a comparison table. You may also have a look at the following articles for gaining further knowledge: –

  • Mortgage CalculatorFixed Rate MortgageRecourse LoanTax Benefit – MeaningTop 10 Jobs for Graduates (Freshers)