After all the popularity gained, Mark Zuckerberg would have never thought of a day when he would be accused for jeopardizing Facebook user’s data. A social networking company that was going all guns blazing, beating all its rivals suddenly finds itself standing in the dock for not protecting its 87 million user’s data in the recent Cambridge Analytica scandal.

Facebook was deeply hit by this scandal, and the statement raised by Facebook was enough to summarize the complete incident.

What happened with Cambridge Analytica was a breach of Facebook’s trust. More importantly, it was a breach of the trust people place in Facebook to protect their data when they share it.

Since then Facebook has been trying all measures to regain the trust of its million users that are all set to bid farewell to Facebook. Initially when the scandal came to limelight, everyone was unsure regarding the sharing of their Facebook data with Cambridge Analytica. However later Facebook assured that it will notify all its users that have been affected. And from Monday onwards i.e. from 9th of April Facebook started to post on top of News Feed of all the users whose data has been stolen by Cambridge Analytica using the app, ‘This Is Your Digital Life’.

But it seems that Facebook is taking a bit longer time than expected to notify the users, therefore it has now released a tool to check whether your Facebook data has been shared with Cambridge Analytica or not.

Has Your Facebook Data Been Shared with Cambridge Analytica?

We would like to bring to our reader’s notice that all the data that Cambridge Analytica has been able to get hold of was neither by finding a vulnerability in Facebook database and exploiting it nor by getting into the user’s accounts by phishing or scamming.

But it was just by using its filthy app, ‘This is Your Digital Life’, that gained the trust of millions of users for giving permissions to this app even without any second thought.

Once the app was able to take permission from the users it not only accessed their Facebook data but also their Friend’s data as well. What this means is, it is not necessary that if you never installed the app that your data has not been shared. Even if one of your friend installed this app then all the data you shared with your friend has been shared with Cambridge Analytica.

To relieve the users from the concern about their data and to be transparent, Facebook now has now proposed another method to notify its users whether their data is shared or not via Facebook Help Centre page.

Please note that you must be logged in to your Facebook account before accessing the above Help Centre page.

So now once you are signed in to your Facebook account and click on the link, you will come across a page with title “How can I tell if my info was shared with Cambridge Analytica?”

If luck is on your side then you will read the following under, “Was my information shared?”

Based on our available records, neither you nor your friends logged into “This Is Your Digital Life.”

As a result, it doesn’t appear your Facebook information was shared with Cambridge Analytica by “This Is Your Digital Life.”

But in case your data has been shared with Cambridge Analytica then you cannot do much, as Facebook too find itself finds its both hands knotted in this situation.

However, you can still find it as a tough lesson to prepare yourself from avoiding such incidents happening in the future by revoking the access you have unnecessarily given to lot many apps.

Also, do visit the link to review and edit all the permission that you have provided to various apps.

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