Facebook is used worldwide and we have friends on Facebook from different parts of world who also speak different languages. With Facebook, it is already easy to translate text to the language you understand. But Facebook surely don’t want to stop here as it is working on a revolutionary translation technique.

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Facebook’s researchers have found a way to use artificial intelligence to translate any text quickly and with more accuracy. This could mean Facebook users will eventually see everything translated immediately into their preferred language, it is not about posts but videos too. Facebook already translates posts in more than 45 languages, but CEO Mark Zuckerberg says there is still “a lot more to do.”

How it is going to work: The translation method uses something called a convolutional neural network (CNN), it is a technology which is already used for image processing and other types of machine learning. The artificial intelligence research team announced that it has completed a year-long project to improve the translation efficiency of Facebook.

The team working on this translation technology detailed that the CNN system is nine-times faster than the conventional systems. According to a report, CNN was first developed by Yann LeCun, the lead of Fair and is considered the building block for a scalable automated natural language understanding program. This sure sounds like rocket science, but you will soon see its implementation on Facebook.

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Facebook is already loaded with revolutionary features such as brain to text technology and now this. The new AI equipped translation technology is claimed to be 9 times faster than any other commercially available translation technology. These new additions will certainly ensure that Facebook continues to rule the seas of social networking in future as.

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