Out of Pocket Expense Meaning


Out-of-pocket pockets range for a varied number of things. It may or may not be reimbursed by the third party, which depends on a case-to-case basis. Usually, for businesses or companies, when employees pay from their pocket the business-related or work-related expensesExpensesAn expense is a cost incurred in completing any transaction by an organization, leading to either revenue generation creation of the asset, change in liability, or raising capital.read more,  it gets easily reimbursed. In contrast, for medical insurance, there are certain payments like prescription fees, which the customer initially has to pay out of their pocket. Still, later these cannot be reimbursed, too, since it’s now under the clause of the medical insurance policy. It can also refer to cash, which is spent on deductibles and co-pays.

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What are Health Insurance Out-Of-Pocket Expenses?

Health insurance out-of-pocket expenses are the expenses that are not covered by the medical policy or the health insurer, and these costs need to be borne by the policyholder only. These can be various charges, such as prescription fees, deductibles, co-payments, and coinsuranceCoinsuranceCoinsurance refers to a percentage of medical expenses the insured must pay after the clearance of deductible.read more. There are also certain expenses like ambulance charges, gloves, and other items not covered under the medical insurance policy. Thus, the policyholder must straightaway pay these sorts of expenses from their pocket, and the insurance company covers the rest.

Examples of Out-Of-Pocket Expenses

  • Let us assume the case of medical insurance, where we have deductibles, co-pays/co-insurance, and out-of-pocket costs attached to the overall medical policy. Let us assume we have a medical insurance policy with a maximum limit of $60,000. The person holding the policy has incurred a medical expense of $40,000. According to the medical policy, one may think the insurance company should bear the entire expense, but that is not the case. It is where the out-of-pocket expense concept comes in. In this case, the insurance policy states that it has a $2,000 deductible and 20% co-insurance, and a maximum of $8,000 the pocket expense.Thus, when the policyholder has incurred a bill of $40,000 first, the deductible of $2,000 straightaway must be borne by him. Next comes the co-insurance part, where 20% of the cost, so for the first $30,000 bill, the 20% charges come to be $6,000. Thus, adding the deductible and co-pay, which is $2,000+$6,000 = $8,000, we find the maximum out-of-pocket expense bracket has been reached, which was earlier stated as $8,000. Thus, the insurance company, out of the entire $40,000 bill, bears only $32,000, and the rest of $8,000 is borne by the policyholder.


There are several benefits which are as follows:

  • Such expenses can be used under tax deductions like charitable donations, a medical expense that has not been reimbursed, etc. It can help in reducing the tax burden.In medical insurance, the co-insurance part generally plays the role of a commitment of the policyholder towards the insurance. Generally, this is seen as collateral or down against the policy taken.Out-of-pocket costs like taxes on cigarettes are used to change the behavior of consumers who smoke, as this causes harmful health effects.It brings about a sharing factor between two parties where both parties contribute to an expense.


  • The cash required must be brought upfront, and at times there may be a lack of availability of cash, which will fail the overall transaction.Even though the medical insurance company promises to cover the health-related cost, there is a catch behind it where the 100% cost will never be covered as the concept of out-of-pocket expenses pitches in.Some expenses, like the tax on smoking, may not prove fruitful for all when it comes to human behavior, as a person addicted to smoking will still smoke and instead pay more money for it.They are not predictable and can, at times, disrupt the planning and budget of the individual concerned.

Difference Between Out of Pocket vs. Deductible

  • This concept will come when we take into consideration the medical insurance concept. Apart from the monthly or yearly premium we pay for the medical insurance policy, the deductible is the amount one needs to pay from one’s pocket for the insurance covered before the health insurer bears the medical cost. Thus, the amount the medical insurance will pay us will depend on two factors. First, whether the deductible has been paid or not, and second, based on the coinsurance percentage; thus, a deductible is an amount one must pay before the insurance company helps the policyholder.Out of pocket is the maximum cost one must bear or pay for the medical care for the entire year. It includes deductibles, co-pays, and coinsurance up to a stipulated value or amount set by the insurance company. Typically, medical insurance policies with a low deductible and out-of-pocket expenses will come with a hefty premium. The premium, though, doesn’t fall under the out-of-pocket costs as that is the regular cost that one has to bear monthly or yearly to maintain the medical insurance coverage.


Out-of-pocket expenses have both advantages and disadvantages. While some are reimbursed by the company or business, in health insurance cases, these are strictly non-reimbursable. Typically, medical insurance policies with a low deductible and out-of-pocket expenses will come with a hefty premium. In business, it can be the employee’s spending which one has spent for business- or work-related purposes first out of their pocket, and then these get reimbursed by the company or business. At times these are also implemented to bring about changes in behavior, for instance, in the field of smoking as a tax on cigarettes, but then again, it depends on person to person on how they react to it.

This article has been a guide to what is Out of Pocket Expense and its meaning. Here we discuss examples of out-of-pocket expenses along with advantages and disadvantages. You may learn more about finance from the following articles –

  • Business ExpensesAdministrative ExpensesInsurance ExpenseWhat is Selling Expenses?Installment Sale