Difference Between Power BI Dashboard and Report

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The key difference is that the Power BI dashboard is a collection of visuals to tell the story graphically, like charts and graphs, along with features to interact with the end-user. In contrast, a report is generally a detailed summary of the large data set as per the criteria given by the user.

In this article, we will discuss the differences between the two in detail.

Key Differences

The key differences between these two are as follows:

  • Information Level: Reports are created on multiple pages, so every kind of detailed analysis and information is available with “Reports.” We drill through the reports.Dashboards include only important information on the large data set, which is critical for quick decision-making.Interactivity: Reports are embedded with slicers and filters, so if the summary table shows only monthly sales, then by adding the category field to the slicers, we can select each category individually and see how each category performs across months.Dashboards may not have this interactivity. We may see monthly and category-wise sales values in different tables or visuals. Users need to look at two different tables and find the differences.

Power BI Dashboard vs Report Comparative Table


It boils down to what kind of information your reporting authority requires. You can go with the dashboard to see only a single-page summary. However, if the management wants to see every detailed information from the data, then you should go for reports.

This article has been a guide to Power BI Dashboard vs Report. Here, we discuss the top 10 differences, infographics, and a comparison table. You may also have a look at the following articles: –

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