Difference Between Power BI and Qlik Sense

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Power BI is the business analytics tool from Microsoft to visualize the data and prepare dashboards easily. Its Desktop app is very similar to MS Excel. Whereas, Qlik Sense is a self-service analytical tool from “Qlik” that helps us to create interactive dashboards and reports at will. This article discusses the key differences between Power BI and Qlik Sense.

Key Differences

The key differences between Power BI and Qlik Sense are as follows:

  • Pricing: This is one of the major areas where Power BI leads the race without a doubt. One of the problems with Qlik Sense is that you need to get in touch with the marketing team to finalize the price.Ease of Use: Every Excel user loves Power BI and finds it difficult to work with Qlik Sense because Power BI looks and works like an advanced excel version.

Comparative Table

Below are some head-to-head comparisons between Power BI and Qlik Sense.


Announcing the clear winner is tough because each product has unique features and capabilities. However, if you are a regular user of Excel, you should go for Power BI. On the other hand, if you are from a data science background, then “Qlik Sense” makes sense.

This article has been a guide to Power BI vs. Qlik Sense. Here, we discuss the top difference between Power BI and Qlik Sense, infographics, and a comparison table. You may also have a look at the following articles: –

  • Compare – Power BI Free vs ProPower BI Services to Share ReportsPower BI Switch