Free Project Planner Template

An accounting director wants to keep track of monthly close activities. Therefore, they must prepare a list of items and their completion date, circulate it to every accounting team member, and then track all the activities and whether they complete them on time. Let’s understand this by using the below template:

Download Template

Other Versions

  • Excel 2003 (.xls) OpenOffice (.ods)CSV (.csv)Portable Doc. Format (.pdf)

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About Project Planner Template

How to use This Template?

  • Now, this template can be used by any person working in the accounting field, or one can modify it. For example, one can change subjects, one could change dates to weeks or years, and the reporting authority.It is a very simple template for managing an accounting project. In the same way, the accounting team can prepare a project planner template for all the statutory reporting, tax filing, and payment of other government dues.This type of template is useful for an accounting person and can also be used by a software engineering Team Manager or a person working in a manufacturing organization.A software project manager can replace the accounting terms with various deadlines for site, application, or product development and track it by date.In the same way, a person from the manufacturing sector can set up a project planner template for making or assembling a new product and set a deadline for every team for the various parts they are responsible for.This template helps the manager track the project’s growth and helps in understanding any delay in any activity.Any project combines various activities completed by various teams simultaneously or one after another. Now, if that chain is broken or one department cannot complete any activity for any reason, one cannot complete the project on time.For understanding, let us assume that in the attached template revenue team could not complete all the accounts receivable activities by 8th January 2020, and they need one or two days extra to complete their tasks. In that case, all other activities are delayed by two days.It is a point where it tests the project manager’s decision-making skills. Either they can ask for an extension of two more days from senior management, or the teams must be requested to work extra hours. Whatever option is feasible and aligns with the mission and vision of the organization should be exercised by the project manager.


So, we see that the project planner template shows progress and helps identify bottleneck activities in the organization. For example, suppose implemented carefully achievable targets assigned to all the teams, be it any area or field. In that case, a project planner template will help track, motivate, and complete the projects on time. Also, it helps identify average and extraordinary performers, which further helps a project manager in the appraisal, bonus distribution, and moving the personnel in future critical projects within the organization.

This article has been a guide to the Project Planner Template. Here we provide you with a free project planner template that tracks the project’s progress, makes adjustments, and helps handle any changes. Also, you can download and use this template in Excel, PDF, or ODS format. Below are some of the recommended articles that you may like: –

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