Valentine’s day may be over, but that is not where your love end. Amidst all the consumerist commotion, wouldn’t it be more sensible to present our special ones with security? After all, isn’t their well-being the most important to us? As the world has gone digital and hence, it’s certainly a great idea to protect them from the festering cyber threats and criminals.

Security experts predict that human attack surface for cybercriminals will reach to 6 billion people by 2022. Now hackers will smell blood more than silicon. Therefore, as people who care, it’s your responsibility to safeguard your loved ones while they are connected to the Internet. It’s time that you care about their online security. It’s time to turn towards more practical solutions that can protect our dearests from cyber threats that exist in this digital world.

We’ve discovered digitally secured solutions that shield your loved ones from being totally devastated by online threats. Read On!

Cloud Backup Services

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With the increasing size and quantity of data, people are choosing portable hard drives to store their important data according to their convenience. External hard drives are helpful because they are mobile but it also makes them easy to lose. We don’t wish our loved ones would lose their important files or loved photographs. Therefore, a cloud backup solution is the apt purchase you can make to secure their precious data. They can securely store important files and photos without the fear of losing them. Cloud backup solution is an encrypted cloud storage service that is secure and easy-to-use.

We recommend you use Right Backup, the easiest and most secure way to save all your important data on cloud. You can access your files from anywhere and anytime. Right Backup is available for all major operating systems such as iOS, Android, Windows and Mac OS. Click on the download button if you want to download Right Backup.

Gift Them Antivirus Software

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With growing cyber threats across the world, it’s necessary for your partner to stay secure digitally while browsing online. Thus, there is no better gift than a good antivirus program for your dear ones.

Identity Theft Protector

With continuous usage over time, computers tend to keep traces of information without our consent. This information can also be confidential data such as social security number, credit card details, passwords, bank credentials etc. Therefore, your dear one would need a helper, which could find those traces and keep them safe in a secured place away from hackers.

An identity theft protector software scans every nook of your computer to find traces of the above-mentioned data. Then, it saves the data into an encrypted locker that is difficult to compromise.

We recommend you buy Advanced Identity Protector to secure your confidential data on their computers. With Advanced Identity Protector, all that your person needs to do is to command the software to scan your computer to find those traces by clicking on scan. Advanced Identity Protector is an extremely useful program to secure your traces of your confidential data. Click here to know more about it.

Secured Home Networking

Experts have concluded that more than 900 million homes across the world possess wireless network. Unfortunately, many ISP provided wireless routers at home are not well equipped to secure our devices from malware, identity theft, spying or intrusion. Thus, if your dear one tends to use a wireless network at home, you can buy them a secure wireless router to keep the intruders out from their home network.

Your loved one can easily deploy the device using their smartphone. Moreover, you don’t have to burn a hole in your pocket to buy these devices as they are easily available under $200.

Smart Home Monitoring Devices

With increasing household package thefts in the US from the last two years, people want to invest more on home security products that could safeguard their loved ones. Therefore, a smart home monitoring device even if it’s a basic video doorbell system can prove as a great investment on security. Now you can view the package, which is being delivered on your doorstep remotely through camera.

A Book On Cyber security

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This isn’t a security product but buying them a book on cyber security will make them aware about threats they are surrounded with. Therefore, if your loved one loves reading books and if cyber security does interest them, you can buy them an informative book on cyber security such as “Spam Nation” or “No Place to Hide”. It will only increase their knowledge on the topic. Security starts from being aware about the dangers around you.

These security solutions will shield your loved ones/family every time when they are online, around threats that can harm them. Let us know if you like our article through the comments section below. Also, tell us if we have missed out any good security solutions.

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