Free Service Invoice Template

Service invoice templates are an excellent option for companies engaged in providing professional or/and nonprofessional services. It is one of the most simple, user-friendly, and efficient ways for service provider companies to invoice their clients. It could be fantastic for companies that provide consulting, freelance workers, medical services, legal services, designing, animation, graphics, content writing, accounting, auditingAccounting, AuditingAccounting is recording, maintaining and reporting the financial affairs, depicting the precise financial position of the company. In contrast, auditing is the systematic examination of accounts books and other documents to check whether the statement shows the correct information or more, etc. For companies engaged in offering services to their clients, creating a service invoice template for invoicing purposes could be a far better and more appropriate idea than installing a complicated invoicing software system.

Download Template

Other Versions

  • Excel 2003 (.xls) OpenOffice (.ods)CSV (.csv)Portable Doc. Format (.pdf)

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About the Template

It is for companies engaged in businesses that provide professional or nonprofessional services. It can be created by incorporating details like the service provider company details as well as the company against whom the invoice is being generated and other information like invoice date and number, work order, the due date of payment, description, number of hours, the price per unit, total and remarks. The attached service invoice template elements are all crucial aspects that one must not skip, and the service providers must necessarily fill up all these.


Following are the different elements discussed in detail that are generally present in this template:

#1 – Header

One must name the header of the template. It will highlight the purpose of making the invoice, which will remain the same for all the companies and all their service-related projects.

#2 – Right-Hand Side

The right-hand side of the template must bear details like invoice date, invoice number, work order number, and due date of payment.

#3 – Company Details

An ideal template will never miss upon providing crucial aspects of the company details. It must necessarily have the logo of the company and its details like name, address, phone number, email ID, and registration number.

#4 – Client’s Details

It is necessary to provide all the client’s details, such as name, address, phone number, email ID, and customer ID.

#5 – Services Offered and the Number of Hours Dedicated

The services offered to the client must be mentioned in the invoice and the number of hours dedicated to each service. The services availed by a client from the company can be of various types. Hence, one must necessarily describe the same in the description box. In addition, one must also mention the number of hours spent on each service and the services mentioned in the description box.

#6 – Price Per Unit

One must mention the price per unit of the services availed. The services mentioned in the description box may not be of the same cost. Therefore, the company must provide the costs along with the services mentioned. It will give the client a better idea of the services he has availed and evaluate if the same price is appropriate or not.

#7 – Line Total

Post mentioning services and the number of hours; the company will need to evaluate the price for each service. After providing all these details, the company must calculate each item’s line total. One can only do it by multiplying the number of hours by the price per unit for each service.

#8 – Remarks

The company can also offer remarks whenever needed for future reference.

How to Use This Service Invoice Template?

  • The person using this template has to enter all the details as required in the fields that are not already pre-filled.Companies willing to use this template can download the same and then can start by entering all the details like the company’s credentials, client information, date of invoice, unique reference number, description of services, company’s logo, number of dedicated hours, the price per hour for each service, remarks. Then, accordingly, generate the total that needs to be paid by the client for whom made the invoice.The company’s details, like its name, address, contact number, registration number, and email ID, must be filled up wherever required.One must fill up the client’s details like name, address, phone number, and email ID wherever required.In the next segment, the company will need to mention the invoice number, date of invoice, work order, and due date of payment as and wherever desired.Once duly providing all these inputs, the company will need to move to the next segment, which is equally essential to fill appropriately as the information provided in the first segment. The company must mention the services provided to the client in the description box and the number of hours dedicated to each level of service.One must provide the price per hour of that service in the next column. This information shall also be of great use to the company and the client for evaluating the total bill for the latter.The company must multiply the number of hours with a price per hour for each service.Lastly, the company must add all the line totals to the subtotal and all the taxes to the net total that the client will be required to pay.

This article has been a guide to the Service Invoice Template. Here, we provide a free downloadable service invoice template that provides professional and nonprofessional services to companies. Also, you can download and use this template in Excel, Google Sheets, or PDF format.

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